We are located inside Nightingale Acupuncture & Apothecary at 5128 NE 42nd Ave in Cully. Office hours for reiki or herbal consultations are Saturdays. Please book below.

*At this time, housecalls for mobility issues are currently on hold until further notice. Distance reiki is available if needed.

Cancellation Policy: Kindly provide 24 hours notice when cancelling or rescheduling your appointment to avoid a cancellation fee.

Client COVID-19 procedures

  • The day before your appointment, please confirm with your practitioner that you have not been in contact
    with a sick person in 2 weeks, traveled outside the state in 4 weeks, or have any symptoms: fever, sore throat, “tickly” throat, nausea, cough, loss of smell, taste.

  • When you arrive, if the door is locked, please wait outside the door until we can let you in.

  • At this time, masks are required inside the clinic at all times.

  • Upon entrance to the clinic, your temperature will be taken. If it is 99 degrees or higher, your appointment will be cancelled and you will be referred out to your primary care physician. No cancellation fee will be charged.

  • Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use the provided hand sanitizer (60% alcohol or higher)

    when entering the clinic.

clinic Covid-19 procedures

  • Masks will be worn by client and practitioners at all times.

  • Hands will be washed before and after the treatment. Hand sanitizer will be used liberally during the treatment.

  • We will reduce traffic flow in the waiting room by having clients wait outside until their appointment.

  • The clinic will use air purifiers in each treatment room.

  • Gloves will be worn during your treatment.

  • Extra time will be set aside before and after each client to allow time for disinfection and thorough cleaning before and after each client.